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Tuesday, April 1, 2014



Hope you are doing okay.

Today, I wanted to talk about the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, in which our Prime Minister Najib Razak said that it "ended" in the Indian Ocean.

To me, it doesn't matter what verb was used to describe the where-about of flight MH370; instead, what matters most to me is the fact that it has not been found, yet.

And this is certainly a tragedy and nightmare to all of us Malaysian.

An unfortunate incident where the whole world will surely never forget.

This tragedy has affected both Malaysia Airlines and the family of the passengers in flight MH370.

Looking at Malaysia Airlines, I must say that they did a superb job in handling the crisis.

Despite the fact the national airline reported a huge financial loss in financial year 2013 (FY13), they still manage to provide the best possible hospitality by bringing the relatives of the passengers in flight MH370 worldwide to Malaysia.

On top of that, Malaysia Airlines provided them hotel, foods, transportation etc., despite suffering huge financial loss.

Malaysia Airlines, a public listed company, saw its financial losses widen to RM1.17 billion in financial year 2013, from RM432 million in financial year 2012. This was announced to Bursa Malaysia (Malaysia Stock Exchange) on February 18, 2014.

On the other hand, I can definitely understand the pain suffered by the families of passengers in flight MH370, especially from China -- where each family is allowed to have only one child.

Thus, the loss of a family member (as I was told) is deeply felt as the person could be the only child in the family.

What all of us can do now is to pray for the best and never lose hope.


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