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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pray for MH17


It has been sometimes since I post in this blog.

This may a tad bit late, but then again, I was busy with things.

Let us all pray for Malaysia Airlines flight MH177, which was allegedly shot while flying at Ukraine airspace.

All passengers in there (statistics showed 298 passengers including dogs and doves) died.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of them and their families.

And understandably, there will be many speculation and theories about this incident. I do not discount that there too will be comical and absolutely ridiculous theories emanating from non-qualified individuals and to some extent, organisations.

But what is clear is that this is an act of humans. A terrorizing act that transcends beyond ethical bound.

Such an act must not be condoned, and those who did it must be brought to the face of justice!

July19, 2014

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