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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Malaysia's Trade With Israel


Received today in my email is the statement by the Datuk Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry, in clarifying the issue between, what is allegedly as Malaysia's trade with Israel.

Before I begin analysing his statement, I wish to note here that Malaysia has no diplomatic relations with Israel. And how do I know this, and how can I prove this?

Well, this is more clearly palpable in Malaysian passports where it is clearly stated that the passport is invalid in Israel.

Now come to this issue of trade with Israel. As far as I know, and this is confirmed by the minister himself, Malaysia has not official trade with Israel.

He dismissed rumours that Malaysia has direct trade with Israel.

This is what the minister said:
Secara dasarnya juga, Kerajaan Malaysia tidak menjalin hubungan ekonomi secara langsung dengan Israel. Namun begitu, Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri ingin memaklumkan bahawa kesemua pintu masuk ke Palestin dikawal oleh pihak berkuasa sempadan Israel kecuali di sempadan Mesir – Semenanjung Gaza, dan Kerajaan Mesir hanya membenarkan kemasukan bantuan kemanusiaan, ubat-ubatan dan makanan ke Palestin melalui Rafah Border Crossing.
Which I translate this as:
In principle, the Government of Malaysia has no direct economic relationship with Israel. But, the ministry wishes to inform that all entry to Palestine is being guarded by the Israel's border authority except in Egypt-Gaza border, and the Government of Egypt only permits humanitarian aid, medical supplies and foods to Palestine through Rafah Border Crossing.
The full statement by the minister (in Bahasa Melayu) only can be read here.

Hope that this will clarify this issue further.

Based on the statement by the minister, I am therefore satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that Malaysia has no direct trade with Israel. And our indirect trade with Israel is definitely beyond our control and we do so minimally to maximize our efforts in helping our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

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