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Monday, February 2, 2015

RHB Asset Management targets its AUM to reach RM58 billion this year.


Last week, I attended a new "global equity stabiliser fund" launched by RHB Asset Management Sdn Bhd (RHBAM), in collaboration with Schroder Investment Management in Singapore.

RHBAM CEO Ho Seng Yee targets the fund to clock-in RM200 million in asset under management (AUM) by end of this year.

As at Dec 31, 2014, RHBAM's portolio is:

This year, RHBAM targets its fund to grow to RM58 billion, done through various products that it will launch this year.

Last year, RHBAM's AUM came in at RM48.54 billion, a marginal 2.9% shy of its target of achieving RM49.99 billion that it has set earlier.

Below is my video coverage of this event:

As for opportunities this year, Ho said:

  1. Overall, we believe central bank will remain highly accomodative, given fragile and uneven growth path.
  2. Government, on the other hand, will remain committed to ensure growth engine to remain intact and hence, fiscal policy will remain expansionary in nature.
  3. We still believe that equity is a better asset class, given improving global growth. Meanwhile, bond should serve as a hedge should global macro headwinds persist in 2015. 

Meanwhile, Ho also provided RHBAM analysis of the recent budget revision announcement that Prime Minister Najib Razak made last week. The analysis is presented below, and the copy of the slide is here.

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