
All opinions and views in this blog is entirely mine, and does not reflect any organization that I am affiliated with. And please exercise careful judgment when trading securities. Nothing in this blog should be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold or sell any securities. You do so at your own risk, and do not blame others if the outcome is not in your favour. In case you are wondering, I do not have any securities trading account with any brokerage firms or investment banks.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Beware of These Securities Companies!


Yesterday, the Securities Commission issued a press release stating that they are investigating five companies named below "for suspected breaches of the securities laws in relation to dealing in futures contracts without licence."

These companies are:-

  1. Jalatama Management Sdn Bhd (929594-W)
  2. West Street Management Sdn Bhd (1063355-X)
  3. JAB Oceanic Sdn Bhd (1057304-V)
  4. JAB Consultant Sdn Bhd (1046272-D)
  5. Xenovest Capital Sdn Bhd (1078155-A)
Two of the above companies offered me a position as an "analyst", and I was lucky enough not to accept their offer after checking with the SC first.

And furthermore, out of the two companies, one of them said that I will not be paid a salary, but instead, I will be paid a commission fee if I manage to bring a customer to trade shares with this company.

Isn't it ironic that you work for them day and night, but get nothing? I mean, let me rephrase again – isn't it stupid?

Anyway, the SC sent their enforcement team and conducted simultaneous raids at four of the company's office locations in Kuala Lumpur.

To assist SC's investigation, relevant documents and IT equipment were also seized, the statement added.

And, the SC said this: "none of the companies or its representatives are licensed by the SC to solicit for monies nor to deal in futures contracts".

Be careful folks, of these rogue companies!

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