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Monday, December 22, 2014

Tragedies that sank my heart


There were two tragedies in Australia that disturbed me the most in the past week.

First is the Sydney cafe siege in which an idiotic Islamist (unfortunately) held hostages of the patrons. The perpetrator and the two hostages were apparently killed when the police were rescuing the latter.

The death of the hostages saddened me the most, but the death of the perpetrator is one that I have no regret except for cherish and joy.

I hope the perpetrator will rot in hell for his action, which is clearly un-Islamic (goes against the teaching of the religion) and pathetic.

On the other hand, I sympathise with the family of the hostages who were also killed during the traumatic time of being rescued by the authority. I am saddled by the utter sadness.

This is why, I, as a Muslim, will never allow any religious scholars -- whether Christians, Muslims or otherwise -- to run and rule for a country, for fear of radical Islamic views that will results in the mushrooming of many others that would follow suit.

Just recently, a tragic incident happened in Pakistan, in which the Taliban was blamed as the mastermind behind the death of some 140-odd students in a school.

This reiterates my view once again about choosing and voting for a religious leader to run for the country.

In Malaysia, there are two Islamist groups that are politically linked. The first is Pertubuhan Agama Se-Malaysia (PAS) and second is Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA).

Both of these groups are also pressure groups in which they aspire to create Malaysia as an Islamic state.

While the idea is actually ideal, and very much welcomed by the Muslim community; I on the other hand, am not sure which part of Islamic teachings or sects or school of thoughts do they belong to.

Some of them are pathetically radical, calling for a ban on this and that; while other in the faction are more moderate, progressive, and pragmatic in their approach to certain issues.

Judging from the actions abroad, both in Pakistan and Australia, as well as others elsewhere; I am more than affirmative of my view of dismissing an Islamic state.

As for me, a state need not be Islamic; but the act of one is definitely indeed.

Islam does not advocate killing of others in the name of religion. And nor does Islam endorse its practitioners to impose its values to others.

The world as it currently is need not be Islamic.

It should be a safe haven where everyone could live in peace, prosperity and harmony, without fear of being intimidated by particular religious groups.

I denounce such a despicable act of killing innocent children and I pray that those behind the attack will be brought to justice, and eventually be forgiven by the families of the victims and God the Almighty.

Once again, I reiterate my view that a country should be ruled by moderates and not some religious scholars.

Second is the barbaric acts of murdering eight children in Australia.

Why oh why must these beautiful children be killed at such a young age, when they have yet to enjoy the bounty and plenty good things in this world?

I really am unable to fathom this.

Just what is this world turning into, I wonder.

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