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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

ISMA and their shallow mind


I refer to the recent article by The Malaysian Insider where they quoted Mr Zamani Ibrahim to have said:

"The majority of Christians in this country are from the two races. The main language they use among themselves is English. Therefore it raises questions why the posters promoting the Easter musical is in Malay"

Zamani is the Seremban chief of a non-governmental organization (NGO) called Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia, fondly known as ISMA.

I find this statement rubbish. Every religion has the right to use whatever language they prefer.

Allow me to shed some example:-

  • Latin is widely used in legal studies - so many legal maxims are in Latin,
  • Arabic is widely used by Muslims and non-Muslims,
  • English is heavily in business communications and scientific publication, etc.
I find the argument by ISMA to be totally illogical, pathetic and shallow-minded.

ISMA, is Islam only for the Malay?

Where is moderation in doing dakwah?

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