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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Funny Weather


Something is definitely wrong.
I can feel it under my skin.

What is up with the weather these days?

I am so baffled. And puzzled.

At 9:00am in the morning, it is smoking hot with the scorching heat emanated from the unforgiving sun. And you tend to sweat more at this hour compared to the same period few years back.

And goodness, clothes on the line dries up faster at this hour than before.

The rate at which the water evaporated is much faster these days.

And at 12:00pm, the heat just "expanded", and the anger in you is further exacerbated by the less wind in the air and the choking smoke that contains small particles that makes your feel so uneasy.

And I think that my skin is almost half-cooked at this mid-day too. The tan in my skin is a proof.

And at 3:00pm, it rains like nobody's business. Seems that the sky is conveying its sadness to humanity through the tears it dropa every now and then, which tend to be inherently frequent.
And then, news about flash flood in the city center, and other parts of the valley starts to flow and make headlines to the radio, tv stations, newspapers and online portal.

And the night seem to seep in early at 6:00pm. Honestly, 6:00pm now is so much different than 6:00pm before.

At this hour, it seems that the cloud is going all out to hide the sun from lighting up this world.

Really, what is wrong with the weather today?

I am scared. And perturbed by this sudden change.

Some say it is monsoon and cyclical in nature.

And some say that it is a sign from the almighty God that the apocalypse is getting closer and nearer.

And some say that this is God's punishment to the inhabitants of the earth for polluting its nature, vandalizing its flora and fauna, and causing chaos via relentless wars and insurgent fights among its creations.

My oh my.

The weather is funny.
And sometimes, it turns ugly.
And now, I pray sincerely,
That God will forgive all of me.

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