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Friday, October 17, 2014

I am now an "uncle"


I have not been updating my blog for quite sometimes, despite me being a journalist.

Oh well. I am just busy with so many things in the office as well as sorting out some mess in my life.

That aside, this post is about me being an uncle. That indirectly make my parents both a grandmother and a grandfather. And all my other siblings as uncles and aunties.

Wow! How time flies. How I wish I am a Peter Pan: one that never age!

I think I am too young to be an uncle. Maybe not to some others.

But the fact remains: I have just turned an "uncle", thanks to my sister, the second one in the family.

The are two prongs to this issue. The first prong and the other side of the prong.

Let's look at the first prong -- "the good side" of it is the fact that the zuriat (offspring) or the family expands.

The other side of the prong is that I am not yet married. And this is what worries me. It indirectly, paints somewhat a "bad picture" to me because at this age, most Malay men is expected to be married.

My sister, a year younger than I am, is already married and now has a child. That adds pressure to me.

Not so much of stigma (I can definitely handle the look, the stare and even the thought), but not the questions. Oh man, the questions are just killing me.

But for now, I can't think of anything else. I can only think of the newcomer in the family.

Good for you, sister. I am so happy.

And welcome to the world, me niece or nephew.

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