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Monday, October 7, 2013

Government Budget Allocations


I read with interest the infographic prepared by Foong Li Mei, as appeared in Focus Malaysia, Issue 44, Page 41.

The infographic look strikingly similar with the one presented by a local think-tank by the name REFSA (Research for Social Advancement).

Anyhow, this infographic is indeed a useful one to us Malaysians.

It basically give a detail information about how our country's budget are distributed among the many government arms and machineries, some of which are Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Prime Minister's Department etc.

In essence, the budget is divided into two:-

(a) capital expenditure (capex),
(b) operating expenditure (opex).

The capex is provided to all ministries and departments to cover specific functiond within their own purview, while the opex is used to cover expenses needed to operate the country which may include subsidies etc.

Read on, folks.

Image source: Focus Malaysia, Issue 44, Sept. 28th. Page 41.

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