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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Unethical Front Page


I got a bit frustrated looking at The Star's patheticity in its front page, today, Saturday, 12 Oct 2013.

It is clearly abusive, unethical and certainly defamatory. Though the political party Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) controls The Star, it does not give them any right to defame any member of its party,and humiliate them publicly, especially on its front page.

There is a growing crisis between MCA President Chua Soi Lek and his rival, Liow Tiong Lai. But that conflict should not be the main topic of the paper. There are many more important things to report on the front page than some stupid and silly remarks by Chua Soi Lek.

Today's paper truly disgusts me, and I certainly hope that Liow will take legal action against The Star.

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