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Saturday, November 2, 2013

New Glassess


I am a four-eyed man. I "suffer" from a 'disease' of a long-eyesight disease. Not sure whether I put it right or not, but yeah. You got the idea. I can't see amything far away from me. It is all blurry which is why I need a spectacle or glassess to help facilitate my sight of this world.

Recently, I broke my old glasses - I accidentally sit on it while it was on my bed. It was one of my favourite spectacles that I ever owned.

I bought the old glasses when I was in Jakarta. It costs me Rupiah 500,000, which when converted to Ringgit was not that much. The simple trick to convert it to ringgit is to divide the value by three. That should be ... go figure! I ain't calculate that for ya.

The old glasses was cheap, made in Indonesia and possibly a fake one too, in terms of brand. Best of all, the spectacle was a polarized one, meaning to say that it will quickly (and yes, really quickly; despite its fake status) turn dark once it was hit by the ultraviolet light that came along with the radiated heat emanated from the scorching sun.

I like the glasses. The old glasses, I mean. But ever it was broken -- by ehem ehem, me! -- I have since thrown it away and bought myself a new spectacle from Menara Optometry, in Bandar Baru Bangi.

It doesn't cost much, and it is made of plastic. Very light despite it being big in size. Quite a fashionable glasses too. It made me look like an artist in a way. Yeah, I know.

But the thing is, it is not polarized because it costs much to do it in Malaysia. Almost double the price of the frame, can you believe it?

Fact: it will cost you at least (minimum) RM 1,000 to do a polarized glasses here in Malaysia. My god. Over there in Jakarta, it costs much much much more lesser. Lesser than RM 250, that is for sure.

Nevertheless, I plan to return to Jakarta, sip my lovely street and cooling alpokat (avocado), and get myself few more glasses from Mangga 2, a famous shopping mall in Jakarta.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands (okay, I am exaggerating!) of optometrists there in Jakarta. Believe me when I say this!

Over there in Jakarta, glasses are like toys to babies - people there buy them not so much because they have eyesight issues, but they put it on because of fashion, being up-to-date and keeping in style with current trends. Talk about being cosmopolitan!

Oh well, for now, this will do!

Oh wait, how do I look? Yeah. I know ;) thank you for your compliment!

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