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Saturday, November 16, 2013

God save us all Malaysians!


There is a very interesting article in the paper today, written by one Mr Yap Ming Hui, a local financial planner.

The article is about his personal commentary on the recent Budget 2014 announcement made by the Prime Minister, Dato'  Sri Najib Razak some weeks ago.

The  length of the article is about a page long and in it contain a very interesting story of a man (presumably) not being thankful to the God in all the helps that the God had sent to him.

Mr Yap aptly said that while the budget has its own benefits and advantages, we -- the people of Malaysia -- should not be too engrossed and impacted by all the negatives in the budget.

We should also at the same time be optimistic in seeing the benefits that the budget may have.

Mr Yap further went on to rant how we should adapt with situation that was announced by PM Najib, and he also described the loser and the winner of Budget 2014.

The loser, according to Mr Yap, is one who "choose to ignore the good measures in the budget that they can benefit from"; while the real winner has the "attitude [that] makes them win no matter how tough the environment is" -- emphasis in bracket is mine.

How so true, Mr Yap!

The story presented by Mr Yap is one that is timely as it reminds all of us to be positive when in the negatives.

I am sure that Mr Yap's parable in justifying the budget as announced by the Prime Minister will be heavily criticized by the detractors; but let the man be entitled to his own view.

I personally find the allegory to be rather interesting even though I have my own views on the budget announced by the PM weeks ago.

Image source: Yap Ming Hui, "Benefits in Budget 2014", The Star (StarBiz - page 22), Saturday, 16 Nov 2013.

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