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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Stressful Jobs?


I received the following image in my Whatsapp grouo chat. It says the Top 10 Most Stressful jobs.

While I dont deny the fact that all jobs listed there can be stressful, I am at the same time equally puzzled on the absence of "teacher/lecturer" in that list.

It is not easy being a teacher, let alone being a primary school teacher. God, I hated teaching those kids - they dont listen, and their questions can sometimes boil my blood; albeit them being cute brats.

I have tremendous respect for primary school teachers. You know why? Because they can make the whol class listen to them and obey their instructions, that is why.

Are you able to make or persuade the whole class listen to you? Nahhh, I dont think so.

That is how powerful a teacher is. They teach you a knowledge which hopefully will be useful to you in the future. They nurture you to be a responsible person. And they guide you through the dark tunnel in your quest to gain knowledge. And they are always there for you when you need answers.

Now tell me, does that not sound like a stressful job? A miserable one too, I must add.

Which is why, coming back to my original contention, I am puzzled why teachers or lecturers are absent from this list!

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