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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mother - our love, our joy


Being a man, I have my own ego (which I think I should rid it off me) of not showing physical affection, dedication and love for my mother.

I have my own way of showing it - she in fact knows this but it is just me who refused to openly show my physical love for her.

It is not wrong, never have been; but in today's discriminative world, if love and affection is not shown physically, then dont even dream of being spared from "what?!" scream or sharply frowned upon by your friends.

Alas, I am not alone in this.

I know this for a fact - she is my love and my joy. She helped me the most when no one else did. She listened to my problems and put -up with it. She accepted me screaming at her on a rare one or two occasions and I am sure she has forgiven me for doing so, though I think that I have never apologized for screaming at her.

She knows all of this because I for one, am the eldest child of nine and I have other trillion matters running in my head per seconda of time.

That aside.

Below is an amazing photo showing the cycle of life - the mother who used to carry us in her womb for 9 months until us, the offspring who will carry the mother in her senior and ripe years.

It is such a powerful image, one that carries astronomical weight of thoughts that should remind every one of us about the demand and responsibilities of a mother.

Due to hectic demand of never-ending work, we sometimes unnecessarily and unknowingly sidelined our mothers in our thought, when in fact she should be prioritized above all else.

Do good to your mother for if you dont, then think not of smelling the heavens.

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