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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Deepavali

To Whom It May Concern:-

I would like to take this opportunity to wish a very merry, happy and jolly Deepavali to those who celebrates it today.

May you be blessed by the supreme being, and may you have prosperous health and wealth for the time to come.

On the other hand, I will try to keep-off from checking my facebook today for fears that I may read some non-sensical remarks, pathethic fatwas (religious edicts) that would accuse Muslims like myself and others of blasphemy for wishing other's season's greetings.

We live in a harmonic and peaceful Malaysia,, and I certainly do not need Islamic scholar wannabe to tell me what is right or wrong. You wanna know what is wrong? Go look in the mirror and fix your extreme attitude which has no place on this Earth. Look somewhere else beyond this terrestrial and shove that attitude of yours there.

Enough said. Moving on...

The picture below is a "deepavali" cupcakes given to my company from our advertising agency. The cake is sweeter than sugar, yummier than yoghurt and certainly tastier than some words uttered from bad some mouth :) very thoughtful of the advertising & public relations agency to give this cake to their customer/client on this festive season.

That is what you call -- to quote the theme of the recently conclude 9th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) in London -- "changing world, new relationship"!

Happu Deepavali, or Diwali!

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