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Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Best Butterprawns in the World


This is one of my favourite foods - butterprawns. I don't know which spelling is correct, but I assume butterprawn is correctly spelt, instead of butter-prawn (with a hypen).

I have been to many seafood restaurants and there are not many that can cook delicious butterprawns such as per the image shown below.

The butterprawn below is soooo delicious. Succulent. Tasty. Fattening. And heavenly indulging!

The royal yellow colour is absolutely mouth-watering and it will open your appetite immediately.

The prawns are deep friend with high quality butter and it is best eaten while it is hot. Trust me, once it is cold, it will not taste delicious at all!

And upon taking just a small bite, it immediately sent me to cloud one. One can only wonder where I will be after gobbling the whole butterprawn all to myself!

Oh well, if you want this heavenly-tasted butterprawn, head to Impian Golf & Country Resort in Saujana Impian, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.

They make the best butterprawn in the world - I know I am exaggerating, but trust me, butterprawns here are indeed the best!

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