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Sunday, November 10, 2013

No coffee, no work!


I have this one special mug that has this phrase engraved on it "no coffee, no work".

And I love this particular mug of mine so much that I will carry it with me to wherever I go when I job-hop.

True enough though, for if there is no coffee for me, then my will not be stimulated or excited to do any work.

When I am tired, I look for coffee and when I am sad, I look for coffee too.

Coffee of course, comes in two forms - black or white.  And there are many variations of coffee - espresso, latte, mocha etc.

If you go to normal eateries in Malaysia and order a cup of coffee, you will be automatically directed to a cup of coffee made from a coffee powder of the brand "kapal api".

And its taste is usually fit for those aged 50 and above. It is a particular kind of coffee made especially for villagers - and no, it is not discriminatory in nature, but its coffee formulation was targeted to that segment of age.

Which is why, in Malaysia, you wouldn't find many of us ordering "coffee" at usual eateries - we would instead order "nescafe", a special type of coffee made my the famous FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) house: Nestlè.

Nescafe is so close to Malaysian hearts that if ever, any eateries were to replace the usual nescafe-branded coffee with any other unknown brand, then the eatery owner should be ready to get an earful from its customers for "a lack of coffee sense".

Anyway, my point is, if I dont get a good dose of coffee (which means nescafe-branded coffee), then don't even think of me being energetic to do any work especially in the sleepy time of 8:00 am!

And yes folks, "no coffee, no work".

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