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Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Good Blokes of Fire Fighters


Honestly, dear: I think that the official title for those working as a "fire fighter" or "bomba" in Malaysia is no longer relevant.

And let me tell you why.

I have been following tbe development of these folks in the social media, or specifically Facebook.

They are one good organisation providing noble services to the society at no cost, and sometimes at the expense of their own life.

Tracing through their Facebook accounts, these folks have done so many good and great bizarre things in Malaysia: from helping a cat stuck on the tree, to cutting a ring stucked in somebody else's penis.

And yes, you read that right.

To recap, there was a case in Kelantan few months ago where one young adult had a ring stucked in his penis.

The ring, presumably used to prevent premature ejaculation, was unfortunately stucked in his penis and he could not get it off.

And, his father sent him to the hospital. The doctors, which I am sure puzzled at such rare a case, was nonetheless unable to remove the stucked ring.

Apparently, not even the soap could be used to take that thing off the guy's penis.

Having lost ideas, the doctors then called the fire-fighters to help out. And one wonders what does the fire-fighters have to do with this thing.

And the fire-fighters then used a special cutter to remove that ring.

Amazing, isn't it, what the fire-fighters can do?

This is one of the plethora of cases thay they have reported in their Facebook account.

And if you have been following them in Facebook, you will see that these folks offer services beyond their scope of fighting and putting off fires.

And they must be duly credited, for their work is one that bring joy and cheers to the humanity.

They are trying their best to eradicate all the physical sorrows that haunt people's lives and bring that longing smile to the face.

These are the unsung heroes that society should thanked them, and appreciate.

In fact, these folks deserve more than standing ovation and loud clap, for the bizarrer, interesting and dangerous work that they are involved in.

I cannot imagine a world without bomba.

Which then leads me to conclude that these folks should have their official name changed from fire-fighter to something that can better reflect their instinct of rescuing people in times of emergency.

Gone are the days where we solely depend on the police for help.

Yes, we do still need them, but we too should consider having the presence of bomba as well.

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