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Sunday, October 19, 2014

The world leader gets noticed!


Of late, I have been reading that North Korea's top leader Kim Jong Un was reported as disappearing from the public radar for quite sometimes.

Apparently, Kim Jong Un is reported as loving the cameras and publicity.

The news on his absence from the public radar prompted many speculations among journalists worldwide.

Some speculated on his death, others speculated on his health. And the speculation is rife as the days pass by.

This is certainly news to world leaders though; especially to the United States of America, where the president has voiced his concern on North Korea's nuclear weapon programmes.

Well, the recent public disappearance of world leaders, such as Kim Jon Un, is somehow a reminder to them (the key leaders) to always be seen in the public and not shy away from the media.

Any attempts to do so will definitely be noticed as key world leaders should appear frequently for public scrutiny.

Their absence will make the journalist's thought grow fonder, hence prompting rife speculations that could be negative.

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