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Saturday, October 18, 2014

The sickening caste system


Just now, I read a story about a lower-caste boy in India being burnt to death for failure to properly monitor the goat of a farmer.

The boy, apparently from the lowest caste, was brutally bashed and later burned to death.

That sickens me. It boiled my blood.
And it disturbs me!

Why is there still a caste system?

I'm sorry, but I particularly do not see any benefits of this human-labeling system, that has no basis.

Why classify and categorise persons as holy, unholy and untouchables?


Are we all not creation of God?

And who are these humans, taking the role of God to categorise other fellow humans, when God itself does not do so?

No baby requested from God to be born and later classified as either lower-class or upper-class human.

The baby may be born in a rich or poor family, but in the end, all babies are equal before God.

The issue concerning the caste system is somewhat similar to the issues of slavery and gender equality.

All of these three -- caste, slavery and gender equality -- steretotype and discriminate between one human and another.

Historically, we used to have a slavery system, where a person can be owned by another person.

Thank heavens that the system no longer exists in this half-sane world.

And then there was and still is, the issue about gender superiority, where men see themselves as superior than women.

But time has changed.

Everyone has its own unique capability. And neither no gender is superior nor inferior than another.

A lot of effort has been placed to enhance the role of women in the society.

In Malaysia at least, though a lot needs to be done, but women's right is protected here.

Yes, there are still some chauvanistic views, but at least we do not kill any women for petty crimes such as this.

And what remains now is this issue of caste, which is pretty much prevalent in India and ought to be properly addressed.

Now, I have to tread very carefully here as it involves a lot of sensitivity from some community. And by all means, I am not trying to offend them.

If I do, then I am so sorry, but the trauma of reading such disturbing article left a deep scar in my heart.

The extend of human action is beyond imagination.

What I am writing is merely a diplomatic view concerning the issue of the world's societal fabric, which I hope will be for the greater good of humanity.

My view is this:

(1) no baby is born with any kind of sin. All babies are born free of sin, but with countless number of blessings.

(2) no person or human should be enslaved and owned by another human.

(3) all persons, regardless of the social status and gender, are equal before the law, and ultimately God.

(4) no human has the right to claim that her or she is holier than the other. Only God can do that.

And I therefore pray that proper justice be done.

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