
All opinions and views in this blog is entirely mine, and does not reflect any organization that I am affiliated with. And please exercise careful judgment when trading securities. Nothing in this blog should be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold or sell any securities. You do so at your own risk, and do not blame others if the outcome is not in your favour. In case you are wondering, I do not have any securities trading account with any brokerage firms or investment banks.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hey Brother , Ola Sister!


Tonight is one of those night where some songs have impact to me. Especially if it is a quiet night.


Every lyrics will make every one of my hair stands and my heart beats faster than at any other time.

So yes, beware of the night. For the it is dark and no one knows what lurks in there.

And tonight, I am listening to this song with the following lyrics that made me ponder and wonder..

"If the sky comes falling down,
For you,
There's nothing in this world wouldn't do,
What if I'm far from home,
Oh brother,
I will hear you call,
What if I lose it all,
Oh sister,
I would help you out.."

I leave you at that.

Good Night.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Gaza conflict in numbers


Below is the Gaza's casualty statistics in numbers, taken from The Sun.

I hope that both parties will respect the ceasefire.

Enough with the killings of the innocent children, and destruction of public amenities such as schools, universities, mosques and homes.

The time has come for both parties to reconciliation and find amicable solutions for the greater goods of the humanities in these two troubled regions.

To the dead Palestinians, rest in peace. You will be forever loved and remembered in our prayers.

Source: The Sun, Monday, Sept 2, 2014

The ALS ice bucket challenge


What is this new craze about ice bucket challenge?

Well, kudos if you've done it. But what next? Do you just stop there?

Is there any money or support provided to support the good cause of helping ALS victims?

I think the cause to help this is noble, but you should not just accept the challenge just for the fun of it.

And I am not sure if you guys have watched a video where one man put the ice in a glass and enjoy it with some wine. And he wrote some cheque to be donated to charities that supports the ALS victimes, for every bit of ice he put in the glass. Amazing, is it not?

I say that this is better than accepting the ice buckett challenge blindly!

Therefore, the picture below is absolutely apt in its own right.

Don't simply nominate if you don't contribute.

As for me I have yet to be challenged and I hope the one who will challenge me has better pledged some donation to support this cause!

The Selangor Menteri Besar Saga


This is my take on the menteri besar -- MB -- (equivalent to Chief Minister) in Selangor, the richest state in Malaysia:-

1. I am not in favour of appointing Dr Wan Azizah as Selangor's MB. She has yet to prove the capability. She, with a due respect, has no track record of managing a state.

2. As for Tan Sri Khalid, his leadership is proven. The state's reserve ballooned to some billion ringgit in his first term as the Selangor's MB. Former CEO of the country's investment arm versus former eye surgeon. I would choose the former!

3. As for PAS, an Islamist party, I think they are a bunch of hypocrite. With due respect to their religious knowledge, I do not see any one of their party leaders have a good track record in managing a state. All they know is talking about Islam, Islam and Islam (their own version, of course), but they have yet to prove their capability. I do not believe in their cause, but it does not mean that they are bad people. It just means that they are in delusion and trapped in their own nest. They need to go out of their cocoon to see the bigger picture.

4. As for the Sultan, I think he is a wise man. From my own judgment, it is clear cut that he does not favour Dr Wan Azizah as the MB. I think he is right and I think he should let Tan Sri Khalid rule Selangor until his term ends. But of course, the Sultan has a final call to make on this.

5. As for PKR, one of the coalitions in the Pakatan Rakyat, I think that they should keep their mouth shut. Appointing Dr Wan Azizah is definitely an act of cronyism and nepotism. I wonder why the rush for the to replace the MB. Why can't you focus on strengthening your party before the next (14th) general election takes place?

6. Selangor citizens are not blind. They are not stupid too. They are just watching the drama unfolding before them, and I reckon that many Selangor people would not endorse Dr Wan Azizah as the new MB.

I hope the situation will be quickly and amicably resolve.

I stand by my views:-

(A) I have no faith in PAS' leadership and cause.

(B) Tan Sri Khalid should remain as the Selangor MB until the next general election.

(C) I do not support Dr Wan Azizah to replace the Selangor MB.

Happy 57th Merdeka!


Happy Malaysia's independence day.

Today, or rather yesterdary (August 31), mark the 57th anniversary of Malaysia's independence from the British rule.

The independence day in Malaysia is known as "Hari Merdeka".

This year, the theme is "Malaysia, disini lahirnya sebuah cinta", or in English, it means "Malaysia, where love grows".

The theme is rather interesting. I mean, it is certainly better than the previous Merdeka theme of "janji ditepati" or "promises delivered".

The theme back then was just ridiculous. The government, with all due respect, is not in position to claim that all promises has been delivered.

Luckily, this year's theme is one that is romantic and nostalgic. Malaysia, the boleh-land, is indeed where my love is.

Having lived abroad, there is no other place compared to Malaysia. At least, that is my personal opinion.

Anyway, this auspicious day should be the day we liberate ourself from all negativities and bad thoughts.

We should set our mind free from being conquered by evil ideas.

We should embrace each other like families.

After all, we are Malaysians.

Happy Merdeka to every Malaysians!