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Monday, September 1, 2014

The ALS ice bucket challenge


What is this new craze about ice bucket challenge?

Well, kudos if you've done it. But what next? Do you just stop there?

Is there any money or support provided to support the good cause of helping ALS victims?

I think the cause to help this is noble, but you should not just accept the challenge just for the fun of it.

And I am not sure if you guys have watched a video where one man put the ice in a glass and enjoy it with some wine. And he wrote some cheque to be donated to charities that supports the ALS victimes, for every bit of ice he put in the glass. Amazing, is it not?

I say that this is better than accepting the ice buckett challenge blindly!

Therefore, the picture below is absolutely apt in its own right.

Don't simply nominate if you don't contribute.

As for me I have yet to be challenged and I hope the one who will challenge me has better pledged some donation to support this cause!

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