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Monday, September 1, 2014

The Selangor Menteri Besar Saga


This is my take on the menteri besar -- MB -- (equivalent to Chief Minister) in Selangor, the richest state in Malaysia:-

1. I am not in favour of appointing Dr Wan Azizah as Selangor's MB. She has yet to prove the capability. She, with a due respect, has no track record of managing a state.

2. As for Tan Sri Khalid, his leadership is proven. The state's reserve ballooned to some billion ringgit in his first term as the Selangor's MB. Former CEO of the country's investment arm versus former eye surgeon. I would choose the former!

3. As for PAS, an Islamist party, I think they are a bunch of hypocrite. With due respect to their religious knowledge, I do not see any one of their party leaders have a good track record in managing a state. All they know is talking about Islam, Islam and Islam (their own version, of course), but they have yet to prove their capability. I do not believe in their cause, but it does not mean that they are bad people. It just means that they are in delusion and trapped in their own nest. They need to go out of their cocoon to see the bigger picture.

4. As for the Sultan, I think he is a wise man. From my own judgment, it is clear cut that he does not favour Dr Wan Azizah as the MB. I think he is right and I think he should let Tan Sri Khalid rule Selangor until his term ends. But of course, the Sultan has a final call to make on this.

5. As for PKR, one of the coalitions in the Pakatan Rakyat, I think that they should keep their mouth shut. Appointing Dr Wan Azizah is definitely an act of cronyism and nepotism. I wonder why the rush for the to replace the MB. Why can't you focus on strengthening your party before the next (14th) general election takes place?

6. Selangor citizens are not blind. They are not stupid too. They are just watching the drama unfolding before them, and I reckon that many Selangor people would not endorse Dr Wan Azizah as the new MB.

I hope the situation will be quickly and amicably resolve.

I stand by my views:-

(A) I have no faith in PAS' leadership and cause.

(B) Tan Sri Khalid should remain as the Selangor MB until the next general election.

(C) I do not support Dr Wan Azizah to replace the Selangor MB.

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