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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Asian Finance Bank Bhd


Last year, I met with the chief executive officer Asian Finance Bank Bhd, Datuk Mohamed Azhari Mohamed Kamil, pictured below. He is a Penang-born man, and was previously attached with Amanah Raya Bhd.

Datuk Mohamed Azahari Kamil
Asian Finance Bank or AFB is the smallest Middle Eastern bank in Malaysia. The other two Middle East banks are Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Bhd and Kuwait Finance House Malaysia Bhd.

Despite being the smallest, AFB is doing well, posting decent profit for a bank of its size.

Can you believe that the bank actually has three ATM machines in the world?

Despite that, the bank is not focused on the retail sector, but rather on the corporate sector.

Please find the article below:

Source: The Edge Financial Daily, Monday, Jan 5, 2015

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