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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia registers sales jump of 16.5% in 2014


Today, I attended a media briefing by Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Sdn Bhd by its president and chief executive officer (pictured below) on its sales performance in 2014.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia
President and Chief Executive Officer
Roland S. Folger
Overall, the group recorded a 16.5% sales increase in 2014 to 9,419 units from 8,082 units in 2013, driven by strong sales in the fourth quarter of 2014 (4Q14) which jumped by 46%.

Globally, 1.65 million Mercedes-Benz cars was sold in 2014, a 12.9% jump from 1.46 million registered in 2013, on

The presentation slide by Mercedes-Benz Malaysia is shown below. Click here to download the presentation slide.

Meanwhile, the press release for the global sales performance of Mercedes-Benz cars is here.

Below is the story that my newspaper has published:

Source: The Edge Financial Daily, Thursday, Jan 15, 2015

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