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Saturday, January 24, 2015

OCBC Bank economist trims Malaysia's economic growth to 4.8%


Last week, I attended an economic outlook by a rather smart and intelligent economist from OCBC Bank, named Wellian Wiranto. He is an Indonesian, so I was told.

OCBC Bank Economist, Wellian Wiranto
Wellian's full press statement can be read here.

Last week, Wellian issued a "Malaysia Monitor" report on the latest development in Malaysia's economy. His report, which is embedded below, can be downloaded here.

During his presentation at InterContinental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, the confident Wellian told reporters that he has slashed Malaysia's economic forecast this year to 4.8% from 5.1% previously.

This is to "to reflect the effects of fiscal consolidation efforts as well as cutbacks in business investment activities."

He also said that there is a likelihood that the Bank Negara Malaysia will increase the interest rate by another 25 basis points.

This is despite assurance from Bank Negara Malaysia governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, which was reported as saying last week that the current level of interest rate is accommodative.

What that would mean is anyone's guess.

The last time Bank Negara Malaysia increased the rate was in July 2014. You can read the statement here.

Below is my video coverage:

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