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Monday, August 4, 2014

Coca Cola issue - La Muhammad, La Mecca


Quite sometimes ago, there was this issue cropping up in the Muslim community about the official logo of "Coca Cola", which when analysed by some people said that it could mean "La Muhammad, La Mecca".

In Arabic, the world "La" means "No". Take a look at the picture below.

(source: internet)
(disclaimer: I do not own this image)

Retorting to the analysis by this smart Alex, Coca Cola said that it is baseless, and it even provided a report from the grand mufti (the highest degree of Islamic scholar) of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, which quashed the claims made by the irresponsible people. The opinion was presented by Sheikh Nasr Farid Wassel, the Grand Mufti of Al-Azhar University.

Coca Cola issued the following statement with regards to this rumour. I have copied the statement verbatim from its website, and the link can be traced here.
Some people have been lead to believe that the Coca-Cola trademark can be translated to "No Mohammed, No Mecca" in Arabic when it is reversed and read from left to right.
This claim is not true. The Coca-Cola trademark was created in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, at a time and place where there was little knowledge of Arabic.
The allegation has been brought before a number of senior Muslim clerics in the Middle East who researched it in detail and refuted the rumor outright.
During the late 1990s, a special committee of authorities in Saudi Arabia, with representatives from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Trade, was formed to review the rumors against the Coca-Cola logo. The committee determined that there is no basis to these false allegations and that the Coca-Cola trademark does not connote anything defamatory to Islam.
More recently, in May 2000, the Grand Mufti of Al-Azhar (the Islamic world's foremost institute) Sheikh Nasr Farid Wassel, said that "the trademark does not injure Islam or Muslims directly or indirectly." Moreover, he stated that Islam is against "the propagation of empty rumors and intended lies that affect either public or private interests." 
And here is the response from the grand mufti with regards to this issue:
This logo was studied from all its aspects in this meeting and none of the researchers, university professors or members of the public found any injury done the true Islamic religion directly or indirectly.
The legal rule is that things are allowed unless there is a text disallowing it. It became clear to us that this trademark for which a legal opinion was requested, was designed more than 114 years ago and no one objected to it until today. The trademark was used in more than 200 Islamic and non-Islamic countries throughout the world.
The trademark was originally designed more than 114 years ago in cities in the State of Georgia in the United States. It was designed for non-Moslems who do not know Islam’s origins and branches. This trademark was not changed since it was designed until now. It is written in a foreign language and not in Arabic and all this proves that this trademark does not injure Islam or Moslems directly or indirectly because Islam’s rules stipulate justice between all people.
Those who spread these rumors should fear God in their religion and country and fear God in all their sayings and actions because such a rumor can harm their country and their religion (Islam) more than it benefits it. This is because it leads to the displacement of thousands of workers in the company and harms their families and children. Islam totally banned harming persons’, the nation’s and peoples’ interests. The Prophet Peace be Upon Him said: “Do not harm yourself and do not harm others”. Moslems now really need to protect their economy, increase their production, protect their workers’ rights, and the strength of their unity so they can become a power that can protect their nation from their enemies’ envy and to reach the highest level of advancement and prosperity in (Koran) and (Koran).
The original opinion of the grand mufti can be found here (in Arabic), and the translation is here (in English).

What I Think

I think Muslims in general should be wary of doubtful claims by certain quarters.

We should stop associating certain image with things that is beyond fathomable for the great mind to discern. In this case, I do not see the logic of associating the Coca Cola logo with "La Muhammad, La Mecca". Though I am in no way a qualified calligrapher, but my mind is still sound and not at insanity to differentiate between the right and wrong.

Be skeptical, people. When you are presented by a particular claim, always ask five basic questions - Who, What, When, Why and How. And then ask the relevance of such claim and how it will impact us?

I sincerely hope that Muslims from all over the world stop spreading such rumours, as it is sinful for us to do so.


  1. He was a Free Mason, so he knew more about the Mecca and Muhammad then most.

    1. If it is not true and the creators of this logo knows that it is violating Muslims than why the company did not change their logo. why they giving justifications?
      No Company would accept if they are the one decepting the world through different things. Those who have their Spiritual eye open can clearly see that its "NO MUHAMMAD, NO MECCA.

  2. Yeah, if it is not true, so company should make some amendments in the logo to remove this clear text of Arabic.
