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Monday, August 4, 2014

The Case of Burning Israel Flag


Recently, a Malaysian newlywed couple burned the flag of Israel in their marriage ceremony and also place the flag of Israel on the floor for people to step on it every time they pass-by.

The picture and the video link are shown below for your reference:

(credit: Sinar Harian, a Malay newspaper in Malaysia)

(disclaimer: I do not own this video)

And this has caused some uneasiness among those (the so-called) who preached harmony because they view this as an act of extremist. They are saying that a fire should be fought with water, not with another fire.

There is some element of truth in their context, but I think that truth itself is very much biased. It can either be your version of truth and their version of truth.

My argument in this case is simple: their action is not even tantamount to being an extremist. They are just angry -- for all sorts of reasons, some of which include:-
  1. Israel has killed countless number of innocent children in Gaza, Palestine.
  2. Israel has displaced the Muslim communities there -- bombed their house, universities, mosque etc.
Need to go on? You can read about them on the Internet.

It is also funny that in some western countries, particularly in the United States of America, anti-semitism (the act of expressing hatred against the Jews) is frowned-upon, but the act of killing innocent children is fully supported and condoned, as shown through their supply of missiles and aid to Israel.

What is this madness, dare I ask?

If Israel can assault and insult Palestine through their rockets and missiles and guns and what have you, and kill countless numbers of innocent children through their barbaric action, then I do not see anything wrong with the way this newlywed couple express their dissatisfaction.

Don't be ridiculous and trying to promote harmony when clearly Israel is on the offensive!

An eye for an eye, but in this case, it is not even there yet.

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