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Monday, August 4, 2014

Self Glory?


I wonder what is the very purpose this picture? Self glory? Self gratification?

While I am proud that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, I feel that it is inappropriate to compare our religion with others, what more in the manner that is portrayed in this picture.

I don't understand the very purpose of this picture and the patheticity as well as absurdity of the person creating this.

Isn't this one of the sins that we Muslims must avoid? That of riak [self glory]!

I must remind myself first, followed by others that Islam is about tolerance, peace and harmony, and certainly not about boasting which religion is superior and/or better than other religions in the world.

Even Prophet Muhammad was very tolerant and respectful of those professing other faiths. You can clearly see this in the hadiths [prophetic saying] and other ancient Islamic books written by the scholars of the past.

Have some respect for other religions, you mangkuk tandas [toilet bowl]!

[disclaimer: this image is not mine]

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