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Monday, August 4, 2014

Self Liberation


I found this interesting Muslim cartoon, below, in my Facebook.

(source: The Muslim Show)

It talks about liberation, freeing something, some place or someone. In light with the recent cases, we have heard about liberating Syria, Iraq, Palestine etc.

While I agree that these countries urgently needed to be liberated from all the evil forces, I wonder whether we humans have considered of liberating ourselves -- our minds in particular, from all the evils surrounding us?

Sometimes, we talk so highly on the urgent need to liberate these places, but look at ourselves. Have we liberated ourselves from all the small and big sins? Have we completed what we are supposed to do (God's orders etc)?

The act to liberate is actually a jihad. This word often confuses people. It brings negative connotation to people in the sense that when they hear the word jihad, they immediately thought of killing people.

There are two forms of jihad -- the big one and the small one. The "small one" is about liberating and fighting the corrupts, the bad and the evil. This form of jihad is a tangible one, where it could mean war, when it is absolutely and really necessary. The small jihad can be acted upon publicly through law and order, punishment and correction.

And then there's the big jihad. The "big one" is about liberating yourself from all the evils in the world. It is about living honestly, doing good to people, and above all, to be a good Muslim especially in this tough time. This is the biggest and ultimate jihad. Liberating yourself from all the evils in the world.

Indeed, it is so true that the hardest thing is self-liberation, which is why in Islam, this is the biggest type of jihad. And yet, this term is still misunderstood by almost every living human in this planet Earth.

I particularly adore this comment from one Facebook user, where he went on to say that we should ...
Liberate ourselves , automatically you liberate the ummah [Muslim nation]... stand united and then no one can touch us. 
How do we liberate ourselves? The answers are for you to seek and find.

And as always, this post is to remind myself first as I am a human of many errors and mistakes.

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