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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Allah Is Enough For Us


Today, my post is about rintihan, or in English, it is known as reflection. It is a reflection of my life: what I have done with it and where I am going to take it.

A lot has happened in my life. Some would say that it a colourful life, while others would say that it is a picture painted with too much of colours that it is hard to see what the real picture is.

People will describe that life is such as such. Some would say that life is a wheel, rolling up and down; while others would say that life is a highway with many exits to choose from.

Life can be described by many adjectives. You can say that it is good, bad, challenging and yada, yada, yada.

And in life, truth be told, it is not easy to make a certain choice. Let alone making decision of an important choice that could potentially impact the future of your life.

Sometimes, the decision that you make is hard to be reversed, because there are too many factors to be considered before a reversal of a decision can be taken e.g. money, time, family, and the future outlook of your life. All these things have to be taken into account, along with thorough scrutiny of your life.

The future is bleak and unpredictable; but it is good to prepare for it. Financially, it may be possible to plan your future by saving your money and purchasing life insurance; but really, the future is simply an unknown territory to you. It is an uncertain path and uncharted road that you must walk on, for the future rides well with time; and time and tide wait for no man.

When life starts to become hard on you, with so many tests and hurdles; you will sometimes feel so lonely. And this, I am not kidding. Nor overly exaggerating.

Yes, you have your family and friends, but to what extend can they really help? They can only help you with providing advice (sometimes a contradicting one); but ultimately it is you who have to make the ultimate decision to choose to travel in the bleak road of the future.

I am not saying that we should abandoned them; heavens! No, no, no. You should always consult them, but then again, as yourself if you are a believer of God. Have you consulted the Merciful Lord who have created you years ago?

Whatever it is, always remember that you always have the merciful Lord with you. No matter how atheist you are; how unbecoming of an unbeliever you might be; in times of great need, you will call out your help to God. Don't we always unconsciously use the expression "Oh My God?". Oh wait, the kids of the present don't say that anymore; they say "OMG".

Whatever. The crux of the matter is, God is the one you turn to whether you like it or not.

And this question of God is really interesting. Because sometimes, when you are embarking on a certain mission in your life, you accidentally (or shall I say deliberately?) forgot to place the spiritual power of God somewhere in your life equation.

Ahh, and you wonder why your life equation is not balanced. Or worst, you might wonder why the yield in the right side of the equation is such a messy outcome.

I myself have more often than not, leave God out of the equation of life. But when I have no one to turn to, I will turn to God -- Allah, the Most Forgiving Lord. I will cry like a baby, with tears flowing non-stop on my cheek; and would ask for so many things from him.

In times of desperate situation, I will ask God with so many ambitious wishes like a good job, fat salary, good health etc. Sometimes, I wonder if God -- Allah the Lord of the Al-Ameen (Arabic for universe) -- would actually want to entertain my request.

Despite my conscious will of unknowingly (or again, deliberately?) excluding God in the planning of my future; Allah the Great actually approved my prayer and granted 96.5% of my wishes. In stages, that is.

I am not sure if Allah the Best held the other 3.5% wishes (which really, is A LOT of wishes); but Allah has His own plan and reasons for doing so. It is not for us, the creature of Lord to question why our Merciful Lord did and does so, and so.

Neither should we accept his wishes blindly; for we must also at all time try to understand the reasons behind them. In fact, there is always a reason for every wish granted and it is only a matter of time until we find out why.

That's how great my Lord is. No, that's how great our Lord is. No matter what you did to him in the past; if you have a sense of repentance and turn to him at any event of your finite life, the Bountiful Lord will always be there for you.

And now that I am in trouble with my life, and mounting problems of my own; it is to you, my lord, that I am now turning to.

Punish me not, my Lord, for I am your lowly servant and peasant.

Have mercy one, my Merciful Lord, for I am a man with many a sin to be atoned.

Forgive me, my Forgiving Lord, for I am a man of many sin.

Lead me, Lord, to the path of glory, success and happiness.

For you Allah the All Seeing and the All Hearing, is enough and sufficient for us.

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