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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Karma Cafè


I got this photo from the internet (durh, where else?). It makes me wonder whether there is really such a cafe in this world. I mean, a"karma" cafe.

The concept of reward - in the form kf gifts and punishment. If you do bad to others, "karma" will dictate the kind of reward that you will get later in life. or maybe after life. Anyway.

Imagine going to a cafe and the waiter will serve what "you really deserve".

Let's say if I am super ugly: fat belly, acne-d face, untidy hair and smells like a stench. Despite the horrible description, I am a truly nice guy: I helps others and always obedient to my mother. What kind of food will I get? And how will I be judged and treated? And most fundamentally, how you know I will deserve such and such things if you have never met me?

Oh no, further thoughts will be scary. I cannot imagined being treated just by looking at the way I am dressed, shaped and groomed.

But hey, let's pray to God that such a cafe will never be opened in this world.

If there is any, then let's pray that the cafe will cease its operations, soon.

Good night, peeps!

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