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Friday, May 31, 2013

Today's Friday Sermon

Salam 'Alaik to All Muslims,

Today is Friday, a holy day for Muslims. Just like what Sunday is to Christians.

On Fridays, Muslims will gather for an afternoon prayer at mosques. The prayer lasts around 5 minutes, but the sermon (khutbah) can last as long as 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the speed at which the Imam (the Congregation Leader) read and the length of the Sermon Paper.

Today's Friday sermon in the mosque at where I am praying talks about the concept of "waqf"; that of charity. That of setting aside some of your wealth for some good use.

This topic is close to the heart of all Muslims, and it is also a timely reminder to stingy Muslims on the need, importance, advantages and benefits of "waqf". By setting aside some of your wealth for charitable use e.g. a plot of land where Islamic school will be built on it, then you will be rewarded by Allah the Almighty God.

But the Friday sermon in one of the mosque in Kuala Lumpur which is aired live at the radio with a frequency FM 91.5 talks about the monarchy institutions: the election of Malaysian kings, and the importance of the Conference of Rulers.

This topic is also equally interesting as it touches on the legal issues of the country; and how our Malaysian king has been tasked to safeguard the sanctity of Islam in this country.

That's how interesting the topic of Friday sermon can be in Malaysia. It can slightly or totally differ from mosques to mosques; or even states.

That said, no mater what the topic of Friday sermon is in your mosque, try to enjoy and make the most out of it.

Juma'ah Mubarak!
(English: have a blessed Friday!)

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