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Friday, May 31, 2013

Hall of Fame

Children of Adam and Eve,

One of the reasons why I listened to Mix FM is because some of the songs played are really nice songs: songs that connects well with my feeling and synced well with my life.

The song that I wany to introduce you today is called "Hall of Fame". The lyrics are simply beautiful. Meaningful. And encouraging.

The song encourages you to be anyone, and do anything that you want in your life; and if ever you succeed, you can make your name well to the Hall of Fame.

And in whatever you do, do it with pride. Make your parents, friends and country proud. Make yourself proud too!

The music and the beat is superb, and like I said; it connects well with me. Which is why I guess Mix FM plays this song non-stop on the radio.

Such a beautiful song with meaningful lyrics. I don't mind listening to this song over and over again.

1 comment:

  1. I came upon your 'poem' quite by accident ~ as much as I have loved poetry throughout my long life, I have no longer sought after same for neigh onto 25 years. After reading the first stanza, I backed up and decided to read it aloud / and with expression. I loved it! I wanted more; hence my reason for sending this message. I am dumbfounded that you have only three 'followers' I am honored to be the fourth ~ and btw 4 is 'my lucky number' I want more. Thank you ~
