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Monday, May 20, 2013

Relatable Quote

Dude & Gal,

Today's post is so relatable to us humans, and to me in particular. We humans are an ignorant lot. We take things for granted, and sometimes do not see the beauty of small things.

We sometimes failed to see the other side of the coin. Or the other side of the grass. Or the other side of the paper. What we normally is just one side, and we are strongly judgmental about the one thing that we see.

When asked why, a usual reply would be "first impression is lasting impression". While the proverb may be true to some extent, it does not always apply in all cases.

And I am talking about humans who always look at the negative things about another human that they sometimes forgot that the positives outweigh the negatives.

A famous saying in Malay goes like this:

Kuman diseberang sana nan tampak,
Gajah didepan mata tidak terlihat.

Which in English would roughly translated as:-

Bacteria in the opposite is clearly seen,
But elephant in front is so ignored.

And the analogy is that small bacterias representing the negatives are easily seen, but a big elephant representing the positives is as if it cannot be seen.

Say for example, if I do something wrong today, then everyone will remember that for the rest of their life. Well, that's an exaggeration, but you get what I mean. It will stuck in their mind for a long term.

But if let's say I treat someone for a nice dinner, now that's hard to remember. We always look at it for granted; and guess what, sometimes another human being feels that buying them a nice dinner is an obligation rather than a present. My God!

The point here is, we gotta stop this attitude. It should end now. If you see the weakness of that person, then ignore it for he has more strengths and courage than the weaknesses.

Always look at the positive things about that person. Try to find happiness in simple things: such as be thankful that somebody actually hold a door for us, be grateful that somebody actually is kind enough to show us directions and be humble that some stranger is good enough to say to our face that we are handsome -- even though the stranger may fake it for some other reason.

And that advice is not meant for everyone; but it is for me and myself.

After all, we the homo sapiens prone to being easily forgetful.

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