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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Every Little Step

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As I was cleaning up old stuff at my house (thanks to my mom who saw the clear need to organize the house), I saw this CD which I bought in Perth, Australia, sometimes ago.

It brought back good memories. I can't believe that the CD is still there after all this time. Wow!

Anyway, the band is called "Mercury 4" -- it is a boy band, much lik Nsync and Boyzone. And I'm pretty sure that this band is little known in Malaysia and in any other parts of the world. Regardless, this band is (or was?) popular in Australia.

I particularly like this song called "Every Little Step". This song is about courage, nurture and love. This song is about having faith in one's ability and being there at every single steps. This song is about loyalty and unconditional friendship.

A truly beautiful song for the ears.
Have a listen folks -- you can watch the video clip in YouTube.

Hope you'll like this song, as much as I do.

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