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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Shall We Tell The President


I have just completed reading Jeffrey Archer's novel, "Shall We Tell The President".

I started reading at around 8:30 pm and finished at about 5:30 am. There were few breaks during the reading session which have prolonged the total time taken to complete this book:-

(a) replying to messages;
(b) doing few Googling;
(c) playing with the phone.

This is an interesting novel; with gripping stories and suspense plot. Most of the time, the plot is fast-moving and it will thrill you to turn to the next page, without you realizing the movement of the time. The novel is truly addictive - it is like a milk to a baby.

I learnt many things while reading this novel:-

* old vocabularies - e.g. apocryphal
* stories about FBI, Hoover etc.
* Greek mythology - Cassius, Brutus etc.

And many more. While reading this novel, I also turned to my phone to look up and Google the meaning of certain words, as well as learning the history of FBI.

This is definitely an interesting novel that should be read by all.

In three words: this novel is (a) chilling, (b) gripping and (c) a masterpiece!

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