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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Focus Malaysia - Taib Family Inc


Sorry that I haven't been able to post few things for the last couple of days. Been busy with reading and other things.

This week's issue of Focus Malaysia has an exclusive coverage on the Chief Minister of Sarawak, The Honourable Tan Sri Taib Mahmud.

He is the longest serving Chief Minister in Malaysia, probably in the world too.

This week's issue talks about him and his family business; how he and his family develop and expand their business empire not only in Sarawak, but also Peninsular Malaysia and even overseas.

It is estimated that the combined Taib family's fortune is worth astounding RM 50 billion. Whether that is the actual truth or not, well, I leave it to Tan Sri to answer this, and of course Focus Malaysia should be held accountable if the facts and figures are wrong.

I wonder what Tan Sri Taib has to say about this. This is certainly an undercover issue.

One that is brave and has yet to face some consequence.

Get a copy of it, fast!

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