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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lunch at Kenny Rogers

Hey People,

This was my lunch at Kenny Rogers Rooster at Berjaya Times Square, Bukit Bintang.

The place is not packed and the foods are superbly tasty. This is definitely one of my favourite destinations for lunch or dinner.

Oh, a perfect place to treat your friends too, you know.

At Kenny Rogers, I always order a set menu, one that comes with 1/4 chicken (you can choose the flavour from BBQ or original) and three side dishes along with a soft cupcake (flavours to choose from: vanilla or chocolate).

Normally, for the three side dishes, I tend to choose aromatic rice, baked beans and fruit salads. The rice, as apparent in its nae is very soft with aromatic scent. Baked beans are nice to be eaten together with the juicy chicken and fresh food salds consisting of pieces of orange, kiwi and watermelons complements the overall taste of the meal. Of course, the choice is yours :)

The one-quater chicken is very much tender, soft and absolutely juicy. The taste is absolutely unforgettable. Further, the taste of it is equivalent to a feeling being taken for a jolly ride on a first class section of a posh private jet. Not that I've ride on one, but yeah, you get the feeling ;)

Kenny Rogers is a good restaurant for fresh foods. It is a good place for the mind to relax, for the stomach to fill and for the conversation to stretch from a short quibble to a long, non-stop gossips.

Go there folks, you won't regret it!

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