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Monday, June 3, 2013

Large Banks in South East Asian


Here are the Top 5 largest banks in the South East Asian region for your own record. This information was taken from The Edge Weekly, Monday, June 6th, 2013.

As a Malaysian, I am proud to see two of our local banks emerging in the league among large banks in the SEA region, in terms of market capitalisation. Maybank is in the second spot, while CIMB is in the fifth.

Under the leadership of its CEO,  Dato' Seri Abdul Wahid Omar, Maybank continue to propser even bigger; while the ranking of CIMB in the fifth spot is under the supervision of its CEO,  Dato' Seri Nazir Razak.

Sadly, Dato' Seri Abdul Wahid Omar is leaving Maybank to take up a ministerial post in charge of the Malaysian economy come this month.

I wish you all the best, sir!

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