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Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Prisoner of Birth

Hello Peeps,

Oh my god! Today I went to Alamanda shopping center at Putrajaya with a dear friend, and of course one of the must stop destinations there was a bookstore. And MPH bookstore it was.

As I was browsing for some good books to reasld, I bumped into this book which I read sometimes ago last year. This book, titled "A Prisoner of Birth", written by Jeffrey Archer, was loaned to me by one of my former colleagues at UCSI University: Ms Farhana Abdul Barri.

Farhana told me long ago that this book is about a sweet revenge. And indeed it was. Although I barely remember the plot; nevertheless, I certainly could not agree more with Farhana : that this book was full of emotion, thrill, hatred, vengeance and retribution.

Thank you, Farhana, for giving me the chance to reas this amazing work of The Rt. Hon. Lord Jeffrey Archer.

The only thing that I am pondering until this very moment is the true meaning of 'prisoner of birth'. Though there are many wide interpretations out there, I have yet to come to a suitable definition to settle.

I had a jolly good time reading this book and I am considering buying this book for my own collections.

To me, books are part of my soul. Without books, my life is in darkness and misery.

Read this book, folks. It is thick, yes, but it is definitely worth it!

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