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Monday, June 3, 2013

Cheaper Cars in Malaysia


The topic of the price of cars in Malaysia has turned from a personal issue, to political issue and now, the national issue.

It is sensational, and you can hear this topic discussed among the pak cik-s, mak cik-s, uncles and aunties at your local kopitiam.

Even school-going children have started to take keen interest in this issue. This topic is especially sensational!

The fact of the matter is, cars in Malaysia are highly priced. To me, having a car is not a luxury anymore; it is a necessity, given the current condition of our public transportation system.

In this week's issue in The Edge Weekly, Monday, June 6th, 2013; the subject of a car price is hotly debated and presented by the collective voice of the editorial team.

This issue is not easy to deal with as there are many parties involved, for example: Proton, Perodua, Foreign Car Brands, Customs etc.

Any deal harping on this issue must be done with great consideration and cautions. We need to protect many interests, and most crucial of all, the interest of the rakyat, who voted for the creation of the government of the day.

I personally think that the car price should be gradually reduced, for the benefit of the citizens of Malaysia.

And, there is a greater need for transparency in determining the price of the car. The citizens have the right to be informed of how much tax (excise etc.) is being imposed on them.

And let us see how Najib's administration is going tackle and deal with this sensitive issue in this 5 years (2013 - 2018).

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