
All opinions and views in this blog is entirely mine, and does not reflect any organization that I am affiliated with. And please exercise careful judgment when trading securities. Nothing in this blog should be construed as a recommendation to buy, hold or sell any securities. You do so at your own risk, and do not blame others if the outcome is not in your favour. In case you are wondering, I do not have any securities trading account with any brokerage firms or investment banks.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Love and Strength


This is a screenshot of my friend's facebook status.

I initially plan to blank-out his name to protect his privacy but I changed my mind because he is saying something that is truly powerful and this is something that should not be hidden from everyone, right, Arm Rashid? ;)

Loving someone and being loved.

Have a ponder as his status is self-explanatory.

His words are remarkably powerful.

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