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Monday, November 25, 2013

Redefining Weekends


It is now official: Johor will join the fraternity of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu in 'celebrating' weekends on  Friday and Saturday instead of the normal Saturday and Sunday.

I am sure that the Muslims have accepted this news with joy, while there may be disgruntles by the Christians.

I think that the head of state has the right to choose and (re)define what constitute a weekend; but on a personal note, I personally think that weekends -- whatever days it may be -- should be uniform throughout the country.

Whether it is "Friday & Saturday" vs "Saturday & Sunday", it really is not a big issue for me.

Both arguments have its own merits, and it is not for us to say this is good or that is bad.

The head of state has decided and it is his prerogative in doing so. While some may challenge his decision academically, and backed by plethoras of economic statistics; in the end, I am sure that the ruler is doing what is best for his state.

It is now a matter of acceptance, and adapting with the newly imposed rule, beginning January 2014.

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