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Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Value of RM 10


What is the value of RM 10 these days? Very little, but still, is valuable to many middle-class Malaysians.

Surviving in Malaysia is increasingly becoming difficult, but thankfully, my unscientific observation says that it is still manageable.


Most wage earners working at hotels earn less than RM 10 per hour, and it this RM 10 that will buy them foods and other sustenance materials.

The image shown below is clearly depicting the current situation of our currency, especially in Kuala Lumpur. The declining value of ringgit. The exploding of prices of goods in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur in particular.

With high cost of living, RM 10 is not enough to survive in this thriving city of Kuala Lumpur.

Well, maybe you can spend less than RM 10 a day, but what can you really buy?

Our famous Nasi Lemak that is sold every morning is snow "socially standardized" at RM 2, and even then the portion is not as much as you would get in those days.

If you want a "sunny egg", then the price would increase by RM 0.50. And rest assured that the egg would be of the lowest quality and may not even be cooked properly.

Very soon too, a can of Coca Cola sold at 7-Eleven might be RM 10, if no immediate economic measures are taken to strengthen the value of ringgit.

And there must be some sort of mechanisms to control and stabilize the price of everything in Malaysia.

I dont know how the government would do it; but I really urge them to do so quick for prices of goods in Kuala Lumpur are uncontrollably soaring high and higher everyday!

The increase in price must be gradual and ideally, it should be in line with the country's economic growth.

And it (price increase) should also ideallu be in tandem and in proportion with our salary increment! Which to some is just peanut!

Disclaimer: I do not own the image below.

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