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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Of BBM, Whatsapp and Others


Recently, Blackberry released a version of its Blackberry Messenger (BBM) for  both Android's and Apples's phone.

And being a heavy user of smartphones, I have no interest whatsoever to try BBM. Let me tell you why.

There are plethoras of chatting apps in our phone and I dont know about you, but I rarely we use them except for Whatsapp.

I have installed befor the following apps:-
*kakao talk
*tango and yada yada yada.

But I can tell you that nobody ever bothered to chat me in those apps. Almost 99.9% of my contacts prefer to use Whatsapp.

Why? It is easy, user friendly, free (for now, I guess) and convenient.

I know that many hippie youngsters are so into wechat and whatnot, but to me, I am not that interested. I prefer my good old greeny Whatsapp than some other colourful chatting apps.

In order to use Whatsapp, you need to know the other person's phone number, and only then will Whatsapp allow the chat to proceed. Basically, no number = no chat.

As for the case of Line and others, you are only allowed to communicate through the app if you know the other party's ID.

I find it asbolutely strange. Me being a number person, I am more comfortable hearing a phrase of phone numbers than some weird 'LoveMuach80' ID. Dont you think so?

It is an absolute hassle because why would I want to know his ID instead of his phone number?

Oh, I get it.. some people prefer to chat for a while and once the other party bore you out, then you have the option of removing them, whereas in Whatsapp, you can only block the other party.

It ain't happen to me. I do not want to clog my phone's memory by installing useless app - I have enough of my current apps, and certainly this BBM app does not interest me.

Oh well, stop asking me for my BBM pin, or else you might end-up getting a slap in your face, just like what the gentleman below did to his comrade.

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