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Monday, November 25, 2013

Unemployment Rate in Johanesburg


I am touched, shocked and apalled by the news that appeared in BBC today.

It is about high rate of unemployment in South Africa. Many of them..., as evident in the accompanying video.

The statistics presented is just too shocking to believe and too hard to swallow: 10 million peoples are jobless in South Africa!

Horrifying. Terrible.

These were the first two words that appeared in my mind.

When you watch the video, it just saddens you -- the jobless are advertising and marketing their skills on the streets, begging for jobs and hoping that someone will employ them.

It just saddens me. Seeing them "begging" on the streets, hoping that someone will be kind enough to offer a job, to make ends meet.

Here in Malaysia, I must say that I am thankful that the situation here is still "under control", and has not reached that stage, yet.

But I have to admit that these days, it is  very difficult to find a decent job: one that pays you well and comes with tremendous fringe of benefits.

The competition is now stiff. Too many peoples graduated from the university, with too little jobs being offered by the market.

It is hard to shop around for jobs that you want.

Even if you go to a career portal such as Jobstreet, you will find that there are a minimum of 50 applicants responding for every vacancies advertised.

It is crazy, it is scary, and it blurs me.

What causes high unemplment? Why is it so difficult to find jobs these days? Who do we blame? Whom should be accountable?

God? Technology? Ourselves? Society? Companies? Universities? Or the Government?

These are not questions that can be simply answered. These are questions that must be thoroughly examined and discussed from many angles and perspectives.

There are just too many factors that need to be taken into account in examining this particular issue -- economic growth, educational background, polilitical stability etc.

With rising cost of living, I wonder how these jobless people would sustain themselves, and their dependents -- if they have one.

I wonder how they will pay house rents, electricity bills, water tariff, consumable goods, foods etc...

Jeez meez! It scaries me.

Even I -- earning a decent salary -- am finding it difficult to adjust and cope with the high cost of living in the urban of Kuala Lumpur.

It is said that those earning below RM 3,000 in Kuala Lumpur is classified as "urban poor". Sigh.

I pray to those out there having no job to be continuously blessed by God the almighty.

May God take care all of us, living in this tough time of a challenging era.

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