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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Yoghurt and New Diet


I am now on a new dietary regime. Well, it all changed when I decided to measure my new weight, to my horror, it touched the 90 kg mark.

I was absolutely devastated because it never crossed my mind that I will weigh 90 kg in my life.

I actually noticed that I have gained several kilograms, but I did not expect it to balloon all the way to 9-series number.

But now my weight has reduced to an 8-series number, thank God! But I still need to be alert, because though my weight is now in the range of 80s, it is still close to 9-series.

A lof ofy friends reminded me that I am "just nice" because my weight somehow (according to them) correspond to my height, which currently is at 181 cm.

They even further remarked that I am a bit plum but not yet chubby. Words. How these synonyms can really change your perspective of things!

Truth be told, I love to eat. I will eat anything except coleslaw. And I dont exercise that much. It is hard to find time to exercise. It is not about being lazy, but my nature of work demands that I commit my heart and soul to it that it literally tires my mind.

Therefore, whenever I have free time, I will dedicate it to my body - to rest, sleep and laze around.

But it still does not give me an excuse to not take care of my body.

My friend recently told that I need to watch my carbohydrate ("carbo") intake - eat less rice.

To me, telling me to eat less rice is like telling me to go and die.

Well, of course I am exaggerating, but it is very difficult to separate Asians with rice. Or in this case, average Malaysians with rice. It is our bread and butter. Without rice, the world is gloomy, and life is just misery.

But somehow, I need to reduce my intake of rice. Which is why now, I, Mohd Sulhi, will try my best not to take any carbos after the hour of 6:00 pm. Especially rice in whatever form it is - fried rice etc.

And I will instead switch to eating yoghurt and low-fat foods.

Speaking of which it is funny because yoghurt costs me in average, RM 2.00 per "small cup", while fried rice will cost me approximately RM 4.00 per proportionate plate that is enough to sustain me the whole night from starvation.

And one small cup of yoghurt is not enough for me - three small cups are the mininum for my tummy. And that translates to a cost of 3 yoghurts x RM 2.00 per small cup = RM 6.00/-.

That is an excess of RM 2 which is enough to buy me a not-so-health 'benjo' burger from some abang across the street.

And I always wonder why healthy foods are costlier than non-health foods.

Somehow, it is a discrimination because the rich can enjoy eating healthy foods but the average earners and the poors are limited to unhealthy foods - food with carbos and not much of healthy vitamins.

And then there are stupid advertisements accusing Malaysians for not taking healthy foods. And then there is this shocking statistics that says 70% of average Malaysians earn below RM 4,000 which is slightly above the 'urban-poverty' line of RM 3,000.

Absolutely ironic and oxymoronic.

But oh well, that argument aside, I will now take as much yoghurt and healthy foods as possible.

It definitely tastes good (but not better than the non-healthy ones).

The yoghurt -- it is definitely worth buying for it will enhance the digestive system process.

Try it. It is goooood!

Never mind the cost.

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