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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Focus Malaysia vs. The Edge


They are doing it again.
They never learn.

The marketing folks in "Focus Malaysia" thinks that many Malaysians may never noticed their branding advertorial (ads), but I did.

From a small ads, it has now grew to one that is quite big. My god.

Talk about breaching the ethical guide in advertising and marketing.

Even though Focus Malaysia may dig interesting issues than "The Edge", but they should neither harm nor offend others, especially their only competitor in the newspaper segment of Malaysian business.

I understand that "the edge" was spelt in lowercase and may not refer to anything or anyone specifically, but come on Focus Malaysia, Malaysians in general are not that dumb.

Though the noun is general (and the words were also bold), but the meaning is not. One need to only read between the lines to understand the ethereal message that was interspersed between the words.

They, the Malaysian readers, may let it off or may chuckle a bit, but I wouldn't. I can definitely see the hidden message that you are trying to convey.

Why can't you compete healthily?

This sort of patheticity in marketing your products should cease to exist.

It transcends beyond stupidity and it certainly deserve to censured!

Change your method of advertising, please!

I am disgusted by your way of marketing your products.

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